Christian Andrés Diaz

Undergraduate Studies:

Biomedical Engineering. Antioquia School of Engineering - CES University 2005.

Postgraduate Studies:

Ph.D. candidate in Engineering. EAFIT University. 2009 - 2013.
M.Sc. in Computer Science. EAFIT University. March 2009.

Research Projects:

1. Assistant Researcher, Project “Handling Heterogeneity in Collaborative Virtual Surgical Simulators”, EAFIT University, March 2012-December 2012.
Visiting Researcher, Project “Handling Heterogeneity in Collaborative Virtual Surgical Simulators”, Stanford University (School of Medicine), October 2011- November 2011. During this time I was enrolled in the SimDesign program, pioneer Stanford program with the objective of creating innovative products for education and medical training.

2. Research Assistant, Project "Minimally Invasive Surgical Simulator", Virtual Reality Laboratory, EAFIT University, 2007-2008.
- Developed a prototype to simulate a surgical procedure using virtual reality tools and a human-computer interface to interact with the virtual environment. Led a team with participation of a Mechanical Engineer and a Computer Scientist to implement both the hardware and the software of the simulator.

3. Research Assistant, Project "Effect of the physiotherapeutic interventional program based on a control model and motor learning (FISO-CAM) in the gait pattern of the patient with unilateral below-knee amputation in respect to the functional level and the kinematic component of this one, using a human gait system analysis phase III", Biomechanics and Movement Analysis Laboratory, Antioquia School of Engineering-CES University " COLCIENCIAS, 2007 - 2008.
- Software and hardware to analyze tridimensional human movement and the clinical evaluation of the movement in amputee patients.

4. Consultant, Project "Design and Development of an instrumented insole system phase I", Antioquia School of Engineering - CES University, 2006-2007.
Results: - Software to capture and visualize the pressure data gathered by the presurometric insole.

5. Consultant, Project "Design and Development of an instrumented insole system phase II", Antioquia School of Engineering - CES University, 2007-2008.
- Software to capture and visualize the pressure data gathered in a wireless way by a presurometric insole using the USB port.

6. Research Assistant, Project "Design and Develop a device to analysis the movement in two dimensions, phase II", CineMED II, Antioquia School of Engineering - CES University, 2006-2007.
- Development of a force platform to measure the ground reaction force in the gait. - Development of software and hardware to perform clinical analysis of the gait and calculate the joint reaction force.

7. Research Assistant, Project "Design and Develop of a device to analysis the movement in two dimensions, phase I, CineMED I, Antioquia School of Engineering - CES University, 2005-2006.
- Software to perform clinical evaluation of the gait.

8. Research Assistant, Project "System to analyze the plantar pressure using an image processing PodoMED", Antioquia School of Engineering - CES University, 2005-2006.
- Podoscopy and digital acquisition system to register a picture of the footprint. - Software to analyze the plantar pressure using image processing methods.

Publications in Journal and Conferences:

- Diaz, C., Trefftz, H., Quintero, L., Acosta, D. and Srivastava, S. (2014) Adaptive Architecture to Support Context-Aware Collaborative Networked Virtual Surgical Simulators (CNVSS). In Lectures Notes in Computer Science: Virtual, Augmented and Mixed Reality, Volume 8526, pp. 277-286.

- Diaz, C., Trefftz, H., Quintero, L., Acosta, D. and Srivastava, S. Collaborative Networked Virtual Surgical Simulators (CNVSS): Factors Affecting Collaborative Performance. In Presence: Teleoperators and Virtual Environments, Vol. 22, No. 1, pp. 54 - 66 (2013).
- Peniche, A., Diaz, C., Trefftz, H. and Paramo, G. An Immersive Virtual Reality Training System for Mechanical Assembly. Accepted for publication in The 4th International Conference on Manufacturing Engineering, Quality and Production Systems (MEQAPS '11).
- Diaz, C., Trefftz, H., Bernal, J. and Eliuk, S. General algorithms for laparoscopic surgical simulators. Revista Ingeniería Biomédica, ISSN 1909-9762, volume 4, issue 8, july-december 2010, págs. 57-70 Escuela de Ingeniería de Antioquia-Universidad CES, Medellín, Colombia.
- Diaz, C., Eliuk, S., Trefftz, H., Boulanger, P. Simulating Soft Tissue using GPU approach of the Mass-Spring Model. In 3IA ‘2010 International Conference on Computer Graphics and Artificial Intelligence, Mayo 2010.
- Diaz, C., Eliuk, S. and Trefftz, H. Simulating Soft Tissue using GPU approach of the Mass-Spring Model. Proceedings of Virtual Reality Conference IEEE 2010, pp. 261-262, ISSN: 1087-8270.
- Peniche, A., Diaz, C.A., Trefftz, H., Bernal, J. An Interactive Cutting Algorithm with Pattern Recognition for Triangular Meshes. Proceedings of The 2009 International Conference on Computer Graphics & Virtual Reality (CGVR '09), Las Vegas, Nevada, USA.
- Peniche, A., Diaz, C.A., Trefftz, H., Bernal, J. An Interactive Cutting Algorithm with Pattern Recognition for Triangular Meshes. Proceedings of The 2009 International Conference on Computer Graphics & Virtual Reality (CGVR '09), Las Vegas, Nevada, USA.
- Diaz, C., Trefftz, H., Bernal, J. Development of a Laparoscopic Surgical Simulator to Train Cholecystectomy Procedure. In Proceedings of IV Iberoamerican Symposium in Computer Graphics SIACG2009, pp. 121 - 128.
- Posada, D., Diaz, C.A., Trefftz, H., Bernal, J. Development of a Physical Interface to Interact with a Virtual Laparoscopic Environment. In: Proceedings of Communications and Information Technology 2008. Marathon Beach, Attica, June 1-3, 2008.
- Diaz, C.A., Posada, D., Trefftz, H., Bernal, J. Development of a surgical Simulator to training laparoscopic procedures. International Journal of Education and Information Technologies, Volume 2, Issue 1, 2008, pp. 95 - 103.
- Diaz, C.A., Toro, M.L., Torres, A., Ramirez, J.I. Desarrollo de un sistema de análisis de movimiento tridimensional para su aplicación en la rehabilitación de amputados. In: Proceedings III National Congress on Biomedical Engineering and Bioengineering, 2008, Eje Cafetero.
- Garcia, L. F., Diaz, C. A., Velasquez, A. T., Villa, R. T. Sistema de Plantillas Instrumentadas In: IV Latinoamerican Congress on Biomedical Engineering, 2007, Isla Margarita. Proceedings of IFMBE. Berlín Hidelberg: Springer-Verlag, 2007. v.18. p.797 - 800.
- Garcia, L. F., Diaz, C. A., Torres, A., Villa, R. T. Sistema de Plantillas Instrumentadas "PIEZOMED" destinadas a la valoración del calzado. In: Proceedings III National Congress on Biomedical Engineering and Bioengineering, 2008, Eje Cafetero.
- Diaz C. A., Velasquez, A. T., Giraldo, J. I. R., Garcia, L. F.. Sistema para el Análisis del Movimiento en dos Dimensiones CineMED II. In: IV Latinoamerican Congress on Biomedical Engineering, 2007, Isla Margarita. Proceedings of IFMBE. Berlín Hidelberg: Springer-Verlag, 2007. v.18. p.728 - 731.
- Diaz, C. A., Velasquez, A. T., Agudelo, N. A., Garcia, L. F. Diseño y Construcción de un dispositivo destinado al análisis del movimiento en dos dimensiones In: II National Congress on Biomedical Engineering and Bioengineering, 2005, Bogotá. Proceedings of II National Congress on Biomedical Engineering and Bioengineering, 2005.
- Diaz, C. A., Velasquez, A. T., Giraldo, J. I. R., Agudelo, N. A., Garcia, L. F. G. Descripción de un dispositivo destinado al análisis de la marcha en dos dimensiones CINEMED. Revista EIA, v.5, p.85 - 92, 2006.
- Diaz, C. A., Velasquez, A. T., Garcia, L. F., Agudelo, N. A. Sistema para la medición de presiones plantares por medio de procesamiento de imágenes In: II National Congress on Biomedical Engineering and Bioengineering, 2005, Bogotá. Proceedings of II National Congress on Biomedical Engineering and Bioengineering, 2005.
- Diaz, C. A., Velasquez, A. T., Garcia, L. F., Giraldo, J. I. R., Agudelo, N. A. Descripción de un sistema para la medición de las presiones plantares por medio del procesamiento de imágenes: Fase I. Revista EIA. , v.6, p.43 - 55, 2007.
- Diaz, C. A, Pineda, F.,Trefftz, H.T. Enseñanza Remota de Conceptos Anatómicos y Funcionales del Sistema Músculo Esquelético In: IV Latinoamerican Congress on Biomedical Engineering, 2007, Isla Margarita. Proceedings of IFMBE. Berlín Hidelberg: Springer-Verlag, 2007. v.18. p.1113 - 1116.
- Diaz, C. A., Trefftz, H., Pineda, F. Remote Learning of the Anatomical and Functional Concepts of the Musculoskeletical System In: III International Congress on Computational Bioengineering, 2007, Isla Margarita. Proceedings of III International Congress on Computational Bioengineering. 2007. v.3.
- Torres, A., Diaz, C .A., Garcia, L. F., Toro, M.L. El aporte de la biomecánica y la ingeniería en rehabilitación en la ingeniería biomédica de la EIA-CES. Revista Ingeniería Biomédica. Numero 2, Noviembre 2007, pp. 10-13.
- Torres, A., Garcia, L. F., Diaz, C. A., Carvajal, M., Toro, M.L., Salazar, A. Sistema para medir la interacción entre el encaje y el muñón "SocketMED" In: Proceedings of III National Congress on Biomedical Engineering and Bioengineering, 2008, Eje Cafetero.

Awards and Distinctions:

1. Invited speaker "Analysis of the movement and biomechanics". First Symposium in Bioengineering and Related Areas, Antioquia University, 2007.
2. Winner, Competition IDEAR of the CTA-Science and Technology Center of Antioquia-2007. "System to measure the interaction between prosthetic socket and the stump SocketMED".
3. Winner First place, student poster category "Instrumented Insole System PiezoMED to analyze the footwear". III National Congress in Biomedical Engineering and Bioengineering, 2008, Eje Cafetero, Colombia.
4. Winner, Second Place research work. "System to measure the interaction between the socket and stump SocketMED". XXIV National Congress and III International of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, 2008, Medellin, Colombia.
5. Invited Speaker. “Virtual Reality and its application in the medical field.”. Technical Week on electrical, electronics engineering and related, 2010.
6. Winner, Ph.D. Scholarship grant from Colciencias. 2009.
7. Finalist, Imagine Cup Microsoft Colombia, 2010.
8. Invited speaker “Virtual and Augmented Reality: Medical Applications”, IEEE Technical Week in Electrical and Electronic Engineering – UIS – Bucaramanga, 2010.
9. Auxiliary Board Member, Revista Ingeniería Biomédica, EIA-CES. 2010-Now.


• Course: Biomechanics – Human Movement Analysis module. Program: Biomedical Engineering EIA-CES, 2008 – 2009.
• Course: Medical Informatics. Program: M.Sc. in Biomedical Engineering EIACES, 2012.
• Course: Integration Project I. Program: Systems Engineering, EAFIT University, 2012 - 2013.
• Course: Computer Programming. Program: Mechanical Engineering and Production Engineering, EAFIT University, 2013.
