Omar Gómez

Undergraduate Studies:

Computer Science. EAFIT University, 1996.

Postgraduate Studies:

Student of M.Sc. with emphasis in Computer Science. EAFIT University. December 2009.

Publications and Presentations:

- Trefftz, H, Gomez, O. Esteban, P.V., Trujillo, J., Montoya, E. Supporting the Learning Process in the Classroom using 3D Collaboration on Mobile Devices. In Proceedings of the IADIS International Conference Mobile Learning 2006 Dublin, Ireland, July 14 - 16, 2006.


Undergraduate Courses:
- Compilers.
- Analysis and Design Oriented to Objects.

Postgraduate Courses:
- Frameworks and Patterns.

Research Projects:

1. Research Assistant Virtual Wind Tunel. EAFIT University. June 2007 - 2010.

Currently he is CEO at Likrs
